Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Time to stop Horsing Around!

Happy (if very belated) New Year to one and all and welcome to 2014.  This year promises new beginnings and opportunities but no resolutions; I’m getting too old for that sort of malarkey!

2013 was a bit of a mixed bag for me and my family but all in all I’m quite happy to see the back of it, well at least the last few months anyway.  What started off well soon tailed off into chaos and disappointment caused by a few nameless individuals.  Lessons were learned the hard way in some cases but you really do find out who will stand by you in troubled times.  Thanks to all who helped keep me sane and out of trouble, true friend indeed.

So, it’s time to get “back on the horse” which is quite apt for 2014 really.  With a new kitchen and ceramics/bonsai workshop up and running in the next few weeks and with Swindon and Willowbog not too far away plenty to keep me busy if very, very tired.  I shouldn’t complain really but why not stick at what I’m good at!

Keep well everyone and I look forward to catching up with many of you in my travels,
Love, Peace & Bananas, Simon